
**tuesday 23 April 2024 (16:30) I decided that if I put a task in my calendar, if I don't end up doing it for whatever reason, I must make that a conscious decision by removing it from my calendar. I went to gym and plotted on business, it was kind of sick! **tuesday 23 april 2024 (00:29) Stayed in my apartment all day today. Missing my girlfriend a little bit. The pavlov effect is when my monday evening meeting ends and I want to see her. Oh well. I am definitely weirder when she is not around. It's not just because I'm quitting my job that I am feeling more explorative; I think I also crave, and so work harder for, the social satisfaction of finding and engaging with people I find interesting. The flowering of many people's self-induced creative initiatives during covid is what I'm reminded of. It was like everyone had some interesting thing that they were busy with. I feel like that is me now. Otherwise: Have been planning to make something with my mince (1kg!) for almost a week now. It must be used! Must be burger patties. Need eggs. Lastly: I read something about social relations that aren't clout-oriented by https://sadgrl.online. Clout is stupid in general.